When am I my happiest? When my room is clean, when I write a to do list every night before bed, when I work ou every morning, when I'm with my friends, when I am clean and organized, when I'm not Practicing bulimia and not having sex.
Right now.... Different story. My room is a mess, I keep pressing snooze, I eat crap, then get really hungry so binge and purge all the time. I'm super disorganized, I haven't worked out in a long time, I'm isolating myself, and I feel like I don't have enough energy to get even the smallest stuff accomplished. But tomorrow is a new day. I wrote my to do list jus now for tomorrow morning. I'm reading my bible tonight before I go to bed. I'm working out a bit before I go out in the morning. And hopefully I'll have enough time to clean my room. I hate being disorganized. Right now I feel out of control. Today I ate 4 doughnuts and chocolate milk before I threw that and my dinner up in the target bathroom. Tomorrow I'm gonna go no carbs accept fruits and veggies and I'm gonna have Protein shakes if I'm hungry. Restriction and control is happiness. I'm aking a diet pill tomorrow too. Wish I could get some prescription ones... I heard there amazing. Alright tomorrow is a new day and I am going at it 100%. here's to being clean, pure, organized, and happy. Goodnight everyone