ok sorry that i didnt finish and sorry about the delay... but ok other reasons why im happy... its my parents anniversary and they just left to go away up north to a cabin!!! for like 5 days!!!!!!!! i get the house to myself so i get to eat (or not eat for that matter) whatever the hell i want!!! yayy! im planning on losing as much weight as i can while theyre gone.
im going to a girls night out tonight and she asked me to bring dessert. so the brownies are baking in the oven... hope theres none left over that i have to bring home. if so, im automatically binging and purging. fuck. oh well. ill make it go all out of me. so part of me being home alone is kinda freaking me out. one time i housesat and everyday was a binging frendzy. i hope that doesnt happen this time. this blog is definately helping though. ill post every time i feel like eating:D guy from new york is coming next month to visit and i wanna look nice and skinny when he comes because when he saw me this summer i was nice and skinny. like 125 pounds. not as skinny as id like, but for sure skinnyer then i am now. idk why ive gained weight, i just think my metabolism is so fucked up from my eating disorder that whenever i eat food it clings on to the calories and stores it for when i fast again. it sucks. wouldnt reccomend this disorder to anyone. but anywayys........... im gonna work out like crazy tomorrow and tonight after the party and on friday and sat and sunday and eat as little as possible ill let you know how much weight ive lost since theyve been gone. i reallly hope i dont fuck up tonight and eat too much.
p.s. for all you followers that i adore so much....? how do you guys feel about 0 cal sweeteners? i like overdosed on them yesterday and had the WORST stomach ache and got so much gas and bloated i was like wtf. it was miserable. do you guys eat them/use them? have you ever had that before? im curious. alright im gonna go get ready for the party.. wish me luck! love you all!