Self Discipline is Needed

Self Discipline is Needed
This is beautiful

Sunday, January 22, 2012

i feel fat

alright so family party yesterday. did i refrain from food? no. my portions i tried to be smaller. and actually i did eat less then i normally would at a fam party. my aunt got skinnier. they all have skinny legs. i dont know how i got these thick thighs. my mom calls them gymnast thighs but i hate them. nastia luken doesnt have thighs like this. ugh. but ya so i ate two cupcakes last night for dessert. shit. then today i had a kellogs fiber bar for breakfast, yogurt for lunch, then we went to my uncles house on my dads side and had dinner. i had a large salad, a dinner roll, mashed potatos (small serving) a small serving of roast. and some ice cream and peach cobler. ya. i know. a lot of calories. i feel sick about it. then i watched a movie and had popcorn. and a cookie dough ball. im sooo scared to weigh myself.

im scared to see my friend friday that i havent seen since summer. i wont eat carbs or anything untill friday. i will have yogurt for lunch and fruit for snacks and veggies and lean chicken or something for dinner. i cant be fat when he comes. i need to loose at least a few pounds! im so scared. im desparate. im thinking i should do some detox? with a laxative tea? i know my one aunt does them all the time. and she has these juice drinks she has for like three days to detox. idk. whats the fastest way you guys loose weight? oh and im sick with a fricking cold so i cant really work out. it sucks. and im craving sugar soooo bad! ok on a good note i would like to promote an etsy shop. i love crocheted stuff and fell in love with this shop! and this clutch.

Upcycled Clutch Purse- Burried In Flowers -Handmade Crochet

Doily Handmade Crochet Rug

Fingerless Gloves Floral Crochet Fingerless Mittens

Mint Medallion Crochet Bracelet

these pics just give me a good feeling. i love all her stuff. her shop can be found here

ya still trying to focus on other things in life wrather then food. doesnt really work. but im still trying. much love xoxo


  1. i think in general gymnasts have muscular legs. for example in this pic:
    with nastia lupin being the exception their legs are all pretty thick. It does make me feel a lil better though since my legs look like theirs when i stand in my swimsuit:) and ppl dont say those gymnasts are fat. Nevertheless, skinny is ideal...

    Same here hun<3 eating w/ family is always the end of me. the fastest way to lose weight would be to follow that victorias secret diet (just google it) I think mainly its all water weight though and u just end up severely dehydrated and gain all the weight back twice as fast. For me? It was the 1st week of the abc diet. but that was jumping from a 2000cal diet all of a sudden to like 400 cals a day so my metabolism was rly fast. otherwise i think ur plan sounds pretty legit:) and honestly i dont think it will matter all that much when ur friend sees u, ull probably look the same to him...only in our own eyes does every lb look like a big layer of fat added. others dont see anything even w/ a 10lb weight gain (in my case). either case, i think the detox sounds pretty nice so maybe u shud try it! Good luck & stay safe<3

  2. Ahh girl I totally understand I've got them big thick gymnast legs too. :( They were nice for a while when they came in handy but once you don't need them anymore, you realize how fat they are. Stay strong they will start to slim down. I know my are starting to just a tad but I think I'm just losing muscule haha either way they look better. :)

  3. Yay for yogurt and fruit snacks! Honestly don't know where I would be without them. The fastest way I loose weight is by eating snacks like those every 3-4 hours. Having my food planned out helps me stay focused and on track. I try and vary the foods I choose to eat between savoury and sweet so I feel like I'm getting a variety of flavors. I usually make myself an omlette for breakfast with veggies and then a few hours later maybe a yogurt, then celery sticks with laughing cow light cheese, then veggie soup.. it helps keep my metabolism up, and I feel like I'm eating all day. The best part is that after you get into the habit of eating like this, your stomach shrinks super small!
    Also Love the Etsy pics you posted, I will check out that shop right now, thank you!!
    Love Always,
    Ana's Angel
