Self Discipline is Needed

Self Discipline is Needed
This is beautiful

Friday, August 24, 2012

every day is a new day

ok so i woke up, had cube steack, hummus, and cereal and milk for breakfast. dont ask me the fuck why. i just cant not eat anymore. its too hard for me. last night i had done wonderful up till after work at 8:00 pm. i came home and my mom had a steak fajita ready for me. whole wheat tortilla included. i ate it. then everything else in my kitchen, including three servings of ice cream. then i puked. then had crackers with honey and mini corn dogs, and puked again. then our power went out due to a storm. so instead of watching a marathon of the office, i went to bed. then i woke up at 2:30, shut off the lights that were on because i hadnt shut them off witn the power was out, and ate a handfull of nuts. i know wtf right?? and i didnt wash my face last night or brush my teeth. horrible. discusting, unclean.

so today i am going to be cleaner. my room is a mess but that will be fixed. no more food today, just water, tea, and coffee. i am going to go to the gym, and maybe make sugar free chocolate merengue cookies. im so syked. and if i have enough willpower, blueberry chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. i just cant eat one. i freeze the dough balls for when we have people over and stuff i can just pull them out and bake them. :)

oh and im making kombucha. u guys ever heard of it? its so fun to make!

i saw j last night. not the best hes ever been to me (as far as flirty and friendliness,) but def not the worst. god why do i love him so much?

so tonight im haning with my friend ave. shes the coolest girl ever. very fit, she works out everyday, and she eats pretty healthy. shes skinny, but got muscle. shes got short brown hair, very theatrical. shes artistic but in a humorous performing way. ultra dramatic when she speaks, but shes nothing about social drama. shes so cool. so idk what were going to do, but over the months we have developed a real good relationship. ill keep ya posted on what we do. and i secretly think she has an e.d. too but ive never said anything to anyone about my instincs.

and heres a tribute to fall... because its just around the corner and i am so excited!



  1. What is kombucha?

    And I love fall too!!

  2. kombucha is this miracle drink that goes back to ancienct china and japan. it is supposed to detoxify you, give your energy, and live active cultures. its a non alcoholic fermented tea from the yeast of a mushroom. it takes a month to make one batch :) google it. it looks kinda nasty but it tastes good!!
