Self Discipline is Needed

Self Discipline is Needed
This is beautiful

Saturday, March 24, 2012

"Are you still dieting?"

sitting at break with my friends, we were having lunch. i take a sip of my coffee, a bite of my oatmeal.

"are you still dieting?" my friend mara asks, (shes the one whos marrying my ex)
"i was never dieting..." i lie. "im just trying to tone more, eat healthier, less sugar, ect"
"thats dieting" she said. staring at me. i never told her i was trying to lose weight.
"are you still trying to lose weight?" my other friend asked, (the maid of honor)
"eh" i replied, in a high tone voice, trying to sound casual... "just wanna prepare for summer" i smiled.. making my eyebrows bounce.

this bothered me however because i never told them i was trying to lose weight or even eat healthier. i told my aunt who is super cool and young and my friend and im sure she told them. she likes to gossip and talk about stuff like that. i cant believe they were talking about me behind my back like that. too bad i blew up my abc diet and gained like all the weight back. i hate the abc diet. its a bitch and it made me lose 7 pounds then gain it all back in less then 2 days. i hate it.

i loved it when i was doing successful though so im contemplating starting over. lol sorry for all the people who joined me. how are you doing if you did the abc with me??? im curious!!!!!!

but ya so now for food im just keeping a journal with a "safe foods" list and only eating those things. and im going to the gym in a little bit. then gonna find a friend to hang with. hopefully it doesnt involve food. ughhhhhhh

my friend/boyfriends 17 yr old cousin is dying of cancer. they think today is her last day to live. how shallow are we?


  1. That does make me feel pretty shallow...
    But we live life as we like, not how others think we should.
    I'm sorry that your friends were being like that :/
    and all I've heard about ABC is gaining weight back! >:|
    anyways, stick with this hun!! <3

  2. if you ask me abc is a pain in the butt -.- totally gained it back.
    you should just do what u think is best, what suits you.
    loving the safe foods, dunno how it never crossed my mind..
    anyways, be strong, if it were easy everybody would be thin!

  3. WOO! only behind on one post this time!
    Soooo in response to your last post, Im going to say the same thing i said to stillimagining like... 2 seconds ago.
    "fuck normal. normal people are LIES"
    IIIIII love you the way you are. and babe, lets be honest, we're FAR the hell from normal, and that's okay
    I'm on a motivational "love thy self" kick... even though I continue to starve ahah (there's a big difference between feeling normal and "looking it")
    ANYWAYS i got off track here
    Thats annoying that they're talking shit like that
    and I bet you look better than any of them in your (do you have yours yet) dress!
    because youre all toned and healthy and shit
    also, change in wedding plans!
    Dominican? FUCK YES!- that means its x4894145944189 times more essential that I look fabulous now! hahaa
    Love you!
    Miss you!
    Talk soonnnn! <3

  4. WHERE ARE YOU??????????

    also. This is my blog, but it is scandolous to some, and not weight related at all. I hope you are well. I wonder where you have gone off to.

  5. I miss you! Your support to keep going is missing and I feel horribly lonely.
