Self Discipline is Needed

Self Discipline is Needed
This is beautiful

Thursday, March 8, 2012

"What do you want"

remember that scene on the notebook?

"what do you want? do you want to marry this guy, or do you want me?" sexy ryan gosling asked, with eagerness in his eyes.
rachel mcadams sobbed "i dont know, i dont know!".....
"dog damnit what do YOU WANT?"....

love that movie.

anyways thats kinda what happened to me today. same guy that i was talking about before. he kinda knows my situation and how im scared to commit. i havent spent that much face to face time with him, but when i had, i had a great time. nothing was ever awkward or anything like that. i am just scared about the physical attraction part. but anyways...

thats what he asked me just now. and i told him i want to keep talking to him like we are now. i didnt tell him i like him now but i told him i am on the fence of liking him as a friend and more that a friend.
"obviously" was all he managed to get out. I just really have some chemistry with this guy. not to mention hes abnormaly sweet. hes the one that sends me flowers and stuff. extremely selfless.

after talking to him on the phone i was really happy. so happy i didnt want to abuse my body by binging. i had a salad for dinner. two salads actually. i was gonna start to eat more and i stopped. I controled my mind which in turn controled my actions.

"i dont need to do this to myself" i whispered, breathing deeply. closing my eyes i talked to myself. "if i were to get a boyfriend, my boyfriend deserves to have a normal girlfriend. normal girlfriends dont harm themselves like this." i suddenly had inner peace. i still have that internal zen inside me. a calmness as cool as water trickling in a beautiful valley with green moss growing on rocks.

i took the idea of eating more and ripped it up into a million pieces. instead of eating my emotions and excitement and isolating myself i called my friend. one of my best friends that i havent done stuff with in a long time. i dont know why i put our friendship on the back burner, but im sure part of it has to do with my eating disorder. i talked with her for a long time. told her about this guy, we talked about working out, gossiped about other people, it was great. i needed that.

also basically almost all of my friends are skinny and fit and work out. so talking to them makes me want to be really skinny and work out. positive peer pressure right? two of my friends are complete triggers to me. is like every time im with them, they make me not want to eat and work out. i think its because when i was really close to them it was during the time in my life when i weighed my lowest... 115. and i went running every day in that stage of life. and survived off of bananas, skim milk, and protein shakes, and vegitables. i miss those days. i want to go back to those days. i just might :)

there is a huge tie with my bulimia and isolating myself. this new writing style of being more in depth with you guys is also being very theraputic for me. thank you so much for reading you have no idea how much this means to me. the fact that people read my diary thoughts and still accept me for who i am and comment just about brings me to tears. literaly. i love each and every one of you like nothing else and because of you guys i am able to take one step at a time. this therapy i firmly believe will one day cure me of my bulimia.

i love you all.

special thanks to

Leigha- awww sounds like that one boy is suuper sweet. thats nice you have guy friends like that. ya i feel so much better since i talked with him. he told me that its impossible for him to be mad at me for more then an hour lol. so ya i guess ill just keep you posted on this situation! love you gurl your the best.

WeWillChange thanks for your email address! i will take you up on that! ya with binging its so hard because right before i binge i feel "its no big deal, ill just throw it up anyway so it doesnt matter if i eat it or not" but im getting better at looking ahead at the concequences of binging and purging and hopefully that will help me. im so sorry you had a bad day but im happy that your day is better now. we are all in this together. you remember that hun. love you


  1. ohmygosh im so happy for u hun! reading ur post made me smile! So proud of u! Srsly GREAT JOB resisting the binge! my do i know how hard it is and you DID IT!!! Srsly u dnt know how AWESOME U R!!! its so great tht ur talking out ur emotions w. friends now, its all abt finding a positive outlet:) u go girl! Excited to hear more abt the guy^_^ jst keep being honest abt ur feelings, it is YOUR relationship afterall:)stay strong<3

  2. It's really great that you're learning to identify emotional eating from actual hunger. It takes a lot of strength to realize it and actually stop yourself from doing it, but feels great when you succeed. I hope that it gets easier for you from now on. Talking about your feelings does help, so don't be afraid to do that more often as well :)

    Take care <3

  3. This is amazing! I am inspired to have as much strength as you. Your blog is beautiful so don't stop writing!
    All my support,
    <3 A Fragile Heart

  4. I'm so happy things might work out for you two(:
    I hope things will go okay!
    Second, I know exactly what you mean about the before-you-purge-thing, I get this feeling that If I'm going to throw up I might as well just start stuffing food down my throat, and I do.
    Stay strong and I hope I can figure this all out more one day too <3

  5. You're so good! I totally support you.

  6. Yay! Good for you! It can be so hard to stop the emotional eating but once you do its so worth it. Keep going strong girly and I really do hope everything works out between you and your boy:)It sounds like you really like him! <3
